Engineering Services

Engineering Services(Mechanic, Electric, Plumbing and Civil)

When referring to mechanical services within a building, this commonly includes plumbing, electrical systems, HVAC, ventilation, elevators, and possibly even escalators. If moving components are involved, such as water, electricity, or gas, it is most likely a mechanical system. Mechanical systems exist to provide an environment that not only protects the building but also creates a safe, healthy surrounding for the occupants. Therefore, an understanding of the needs of these mechanical systems is important. 

Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing

Our Company offers mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineering for all types of buildings, transportation facilities and industry projects according to our clients’ specific requirements. We work in close collaboration with the entire project team, ensuring optimal integration of all systems.

Specialists in Building Services Engineering

We design buildings for people and consult closely with building developers, owners and users to fully understand the purpose of each building. We create attractive, environmentally responsible, high-performance buildings that are safe, healthy and comfortable for occupants, while being easy to maintain and less costly to run. We ensure that our buildings meet today’s requirements, while having the flexibility to adapt to future needs.

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